A Punters Take On The Independent Escorts Directory
A great place to start if you are looking for a desirable escort for any type of occasion or date. Punters love the independent escorts directory as it has all types of escort on one site covering various parts of the country and it is a bonus that they are some fantastic agency escorts as well. They like the way that they can find hot young ladies for parties. Experienced escorts for dinner dates and sensual escorts for a relaxing erotic massage.
Punters go for various types of escorts
All sorts make the world go round and men like different types of escorts. However, there are surveys that come to the conclusion that many punters go for young escorts of eighteen as they are just over the legal age and that often fulfils a fantasy. They also want something they cannot always get at home and that is a young fit firm slim girl. Someone that is energetic and lascivious with a healthy appetite. However, the same punters will go for an escort slightly older and more experienced if they want a social aspect to their date. However, in many cases they are still looking for someone who would be considered as eye candy as they want to feel good about being with the woman on their arm. The nature of the business is that the client needs to fancy the lady he is with and there is always a massive disappointment if she does not look like her picture on the website.
Unfortunately some punters can be disrespectful
Although many clients are respectful regarding the escorts they are with, even if they are not exactly what they are expecting. If that is the case many punters just write it off as a bad experience or make the best of the situation. If a client is genuinely pleased with the escort he has been with they often show their appreciation by leaving them a good review. This is particularly appreciated by the independent escorts. However, some punters can be quite disparaging and disrespectful with comments like she is passed her sell by date, her body is not as tight and firm as it should be, she is more like a thirty two year old not her stated age of twenty two. Much fatter than her size suggested. Fortunately the majority of punters are a lot more respectful and the unkind ones are in the minority.