Manchester escorts
Manchester escorts
Manchester escorts
Manchester escorts
Manchester escorts
Manchester escorts
Manchester escorts
Manchester escorts


Before entering Manchester Escorts Directory please be sure to read through this disclaimer and only click on ENTER when you can affirm that you have done so and comply with all the legal requirements.
Manchester Escorts Directory is a website that provides a portal for people providing adult entertainment services and for those people looking for providers of such adult services.
All advertisers, being either independents, agencies or companies listed on this site are separate to and advertise and promote independently of, the owner of this website.  This website (Manchester Escorts Directory) is NOT an escort agency. does not partake in the negotiation or booking of any services but acts as an online advertising medium for advertisers, thereby  having no part to play in the link between Client and Service Provider.

  • Are you aged 18 or over in the UK or do you conform to ALL legal requirements in the country where you may be accessing this site? If not please leave NOW.
  • You understand that all monies are taken in exchange for the time and companionship of the escort ONLY, anything of a more intimate nature is at the wish of both parties, being the escort and the client, and are not condoned by the management, all advertisements should not be viewed as an inducement for payment of services other than time and companionship.
  • This is a site intended for adult viewing only and you should only access if you are allowed by law, you agree not to make any part therein available to any other persons under the age of legal requirement in order that they may view. All Members and Service Providers have confirmed that any images and pictures they upload are their own property. 
  • All Members and Service Providers have confirmed that any images and pictures they upload are their own property. If you are offended by pictures of nudity or of a suggestive nature please leave NOW.
  • If you enter this website you agree not to use against the owner or the advertisers any material in the form of text or images to discredit that person or to copy any part for reproduction through any form of media.
  • The owner of accepts no responsibility or liability for any events that may occur as a result of anything stated or inferred in the text or imagery within the pages of this website or from any verbal or written agreement which may have taken place between Client and Service Provider.