Male escorts have always existed in one form or another historically, as gigolos for example, those young men paid or financially supported by a woman in return for their companionship as her social escort or lover - but things have moved on!!! With women breaking through every barrier put in front of them, they have in recent decades demanded the same rights to being able to call up for a sexy guy, who respects them and their wishes, to be their plaything for the time they choose. Just like the boys!! Bring on the London male escorts!
Few places in the world have a better established male escort network than here in London. This cosmopolitan hotbed is rife with gorgeous guys in a wide range of age bands – from the teenage studs, the suave 30 somethings through to the older guys who are debonair and with their silver hair look positively Clooney-esque! Just as you would expect they are multi-cultural and ethnically diverse. Anyone looking for a male escort in London is not going to be disappointed by the selection of male escorts promoted on this escorts directory as it includes straight male escorts as well as gay male escorts. In fact, the full range of sexual diversity is encouraged to feature their profiles here, so nobody is left disappointed.
Meeting up with a male escort is a relief from the rat race of dating. Here the girls are calling the shots and importantly for so many women, there are no expectations for the future. No one asking if they can meet you again and asking for your number. These liberated women of all ages know that they have his number already, as well as the numbers of many other London male escorts! That’s when and if they feel the need.